World Down Syndrome Awareness Day
As the Foreign Languages Department, we organized a “Sock Painting Contest" for our high school students between March 1-15 as a part of the World Down Syndrome Awareness Day on March 21. The sock paintings painted by our students were collected and evaluated by a jury. Among our students who produced excellent products, Öykü Başkömürcü and Yağmur Büyükerdoğmuş won the 1st prize, Bade Güldeniz and Aslı Selen Çabuk won the 2nd prize, and Bartu Yüksel and Almila Duru Gündüz won the 3rd prize. As Özel Atacan Educational Institutions, we and our students wore colourful socks today to support this event. The paintings displayed in corridors, bulletin boards, and at the reception, along with the activities we conducted today, helped all our students become aware of the significance and meaning of this day.