eTwinning Parent Information Presentation
eTwinning is a community for schools in Europe. It is a learning space that we use to communicate, collaborate, develop, and share projects. It offers a platform for teachers and students to participate in schools in European countries, to feel and be a part of the most exciting learning community in Europe.
On Wednesday, May 10, 2023, we held the parent information presentation and certificate ceremony of our eTwinning project “Underwater World”, which we carried out with our 3AB classes.
Our aims in our international eTwinning project are as follows; to improve the target language, English, to culturally communicate with the participating countries in Europe, to introduce our own culture and to learn about the cultures of the partner schools. Within the scope of the project a topic was focused on each month and activities were held on that topic. These events are: Underwater World in November, Oceans and Seas in December, Ocean Life and Animals in January, Underwater Natural Environments in February, Ocean Layers in March, and Climate Change in April. The works prepared by our students were exhibited on the “Twinspace” platform. At the end of this process, our parents were invited to our school. They were informed about the work we had done, and the projects created by our students were also exhibited. At the same time, examples were given from the shares made by our partner schools within the scope of the project. After the presentation we made with the contributions of our students, project participation certificates were distributed to our students. Within the scope of our project, we achieved our goal of raising awareness about the importance of using English in our students.