eTwinning is a community created for schools in Europe. It offers a platform for teachers and students in participating schools in European countries to communicate, collaborate, develop projects, share, in short, feel and be part of the most exciting learning community in Europe.

eTwinning facilitates schools to form short and long term partnerships on any subject and promotes school cooperation in Europe by providing the necessary support, tools and services through the use of information and communication technologies.

On Thursday, June 09, 2022, we held the presentation and certificate ceremony of our eTwinning project, named “Healthy Lifestyles in Europe", which we carried out with our 6th graders.

Our aim in our international eTwinning project is to improve the target language English, to introduce our own culture by culturally communicating with the participating countries in Europe and to learn about the cultures of the partner schools.

Our students exhibited their works on the “Twinspace” platform. At the end of this process, our parents were invited to our school and they were informed about the work we have done. Besides, the works done by our partner schools within the scope of the project were also presented.

After the presentation the project participation certificates were distributed to our students. Within the scope of our project, our goal of raising awareness about the importance of using English in our students has been achieved.